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Loudspeaker Babtism

Delivery — Memories — Suffering — Sublimation

“In the factory’s testing room, the freshly assembled loudspeaker model Genelec 8020D was thrust into darkness—a narrow, suffocating hole that swallowed it whole. Uuuit! Uit! UUuuiit! A quick, frenetic sequence of frequency sweeps, ranging from 20Hz to 20kHz, coursed through its circuitry, while a screwdriver prodded it in the back. This birth cry, designed to fine-tune the loudspeaker's frequency response, was muffled by the thick, sound-absorbing material that enveloped it.” 


Loudspeaker Baptism aims to crack open the mundane perception of a loudspeaker as a mere commodity and activate its latent archetypal and mystical meanings. Through a playful yet earnest approach, this opera connects the consumerist and technological framework of a loudspeaker with religious and spiritual symbolism. For instance, Act I: Delivery is inspired by the modern baptism of technological objects: the “unboxing” YouTube videos. Thus, this opera asks, how to meaningfully integrate a loudspeaker, with its whole “soul” and darker facets, into human spiritual life.


“With swift movements, the connection was severed. Unplugged, the loudspeaker was wrapped tightly in plastic, packaged into a cardboard box, and transported to the warehouse. In the darkness of that box, it let out a small cry.”


Chamber opera in 4 acts for soprano, accordion, Genelec 8020D, puppeteer, and electronics.



Created by Charles Quevillon with Sawtooth Duo (Sarah Albu and Matti Pulkki)

Composition and Stage Direction: Charles Quevillon 

Lights: Erno Seppälä

Set Design: Erno Seppälä and Charles Quevillon

Video graphics: Jan Rosström

Libretto: Charles Quevillon with inspiration from Eino Leino and Genelec user manual. Editing: Maija Tammi

Performed by: Sarah Albu (soprano), Matti Pulkki (accordion), and Charles Quevillon (puppeteer and electronics)

Production: Charles Quevillon with Sawtooth Duo



Sarah Albu (soprano),

Matti Pulkki (accordion) 

Charles Quevillon (puppeteer and electronics)


Tickets starting at 24€


30.8.2024 at 19


31.8.2024 at 16


1 h, no intermission





Age Recommendation

7 +

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